Friday, May 28, 2010

Mt Tambora Indonesia

April 10 1815, a volcano erupted in Mount Tambora. The largest eruption since the eruption in Lake Taupo. The explosion was so loud that it was heard on Sumatra island (2000km away). You will not believe this, but the guess of total death was 71 000 people. The climate got cold in North America and Europe, so it was called 'A Year Without Summer'. Crops failed in the Northern Hemisphere, resulting the worst famine in the 1900 century. Small eruptions kepting exploding and it stoped on July.

1819, April 10th with a height of 4m around 10PM a tsunami struck. It only caused few damages and luckily no died.

2004 a team from Rhode Island University came to investigate the eruption in Mount Tambora. They found out that the real estimate of total death was 117,000.

Mount Tambora
Mount Tambora is an active volcano( a volcano covered in many layer of ash). It is in the Sumbawa Island. Indonesia
4300m Tall

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The great San Francisco Earthquake

5:18 AM, April 18, 1906 in Sanfrancisco there was a huge Earthquake that lasted only a minute. It sounds like a very weak earthquake because it only lasted a minute but it a disaster. It ripped thousands of houses, a hundreds of buildings. It cracked up to 435 kilometers and 6.4 meters deep. It made more than quater of a million people homeless. It killed 2500 death in total, and it was not pretty. By the time it happened, it was like mordern days. There were cars, buildings, houses, telegragh lines. Also scientist believe that this earthquake was more dangerous because of all the broken glass, electric wires which could definately kill someone. After the Earthquake, the American Red Cross Army and volunteers provided tents for the homelesses. Between september 1906 and march 1907 when people were sure that the earthquake was over, the Army Corps engineers built 5610 cottages for each family who were homeless. Each cottages costed about 100 to 700 dollars to build and the families only had to pay 2 dollars a month to the government. Recently this earthquake was the biggest natural disaster in the American history.

Monday, May 3, 2010